What Is Narrative Therapy?

Narrative Therapy is a type of therapy that helps people become, and embrace being, an expert in their own lives. In Narrative Therapy, there is an emphasis on the stories that you develop and carry with you through your life. As you experience events and interactions, you give meaning to those experiences and they, in turn, influence how you see yourself and the world. You can carry multiple stories at once, such as those related to your self-esteem, abilities, relationships, and work.

Narrative Therapy works to help people not only challenge their problems but widen their view by considering alternative stories. This approach can also be useful for anyone who feels like they are overwhelmed by negative experiences, thoughts, or emotions. This type of therapy stresses the importance of people not labeling themselves or seeing themselves as “broken” or “the problem,” or for them to feel powerless in their circumstances and behavior patterns.

Narrative therapy allows people to not only find their voice but to use their voice for good, helping them to become experts in their own lives and to live in a way that reflects their goals and values. Narrative therapy challenges dominant problematic stories that prevent people from living their best lives. Through narrative therapy, people can identify alternative stories, widen people's views of self, challenge old and unhealthy beliefs, and open their minds to new ways of living that reflect a more accurate and healthy story. If you’re ready to reclaim your story and your life, contact Colorway Wellness today!


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