How to Create an Election Self-Care Plan

Elections can be stressful, but that doesn’t mean you have to be stressed. Regardless of your political affiliation, here’s a list of a few ways you can prioritize self-care before, during, and after an election.

1. Create a cozy kit.

Prepare a kit or list of all your favorite things that you can turn to when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. This could be your favorite foods, pajamas, blankets, books, TV shows, movies, music, etc.

2. Set technology boundaries.

Consider spending less time consuming the news and social media. It can help to know what you plan to do on your device instead of social media. For example, you could listen to a podcast or text with friends.

3. Stock up on supplies.

Make sure you have basic supplies in your home in case you can’t or don’t feel comfortable running errands. Purchase essentials beforehand like groceries, toilet paper, and personal hygiene products.

4. Lighten your workload.

If you are able, consider taking some days off work or working from home. If you can’t, see if you can reschedule any of your meetings or focus on easier work tasks.

5. Schedule a therapy session.

If you have a therapist, make sure your November sessions are scheduled. If you think you’ll need it, you can also consider scheduling a session on high stress days, like the days after the election.


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