How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

Deciding to embark on therapy is a huge milestone. Months and years from now—after you’ve put in the hard work to identify issues and exact real change—you’ll be able to recognize that first step as a clear inflection point in your life. Once you’ve made the decision to begin this journey, it only makes sense that you want to ensure you’re getting the most out of each session.

Find the Best Therapeutic Fit

In the same way you don’t naturally sync with everyone you meet, it can take some time to find the best therapeutic fit. But finding that person is an important part of the journey, and will ultimately set you up for success. In fact, research has found that clients get the most out of therapy when they feel a genuine connection with the therapist treating them. Start by writing down what you’re looking for in a therapist. Next, research nearby therapists by reading their biographies and learning about their therapeutic approach. From there, schedule a free consultation with anyone who stands out to you.

Set Clear & Realistic Goals

Understand what is bringing you to therapy and communicate this to your therapist. While therapists can provide insight into who you are and help you set and work toward goals, it remains vital for you, as the client, to explain why you’re there and what you want to work on. One of the most effective strategies is for people to make a list of topics they want to work on for the session so they don't get caught up in the content or drama of the week and instead are able to make meaningful progress towards their goals.

Nurture Yourself After Each Session

Therapy can change your life, but it’s not always going to be a walk in the park. You may leave a session feeling a heavy burden of emotions, unveil painful blind spots you never saw before, and have to do some hard work between sessions. Be gentle with yourself throughout the process and make sure you’re taking time after and between each therapy session to nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

If you’re ready to embark on your therapy journey to feel like your best self, contact Colorway Wellness today!


How to Know If Therapy Is Working