What Is Unresolved Trauma?

Trauma is a distressing event - or series of events - that affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, or spiritually. When most people think about trauma, they tend to think about large ‘T’ traumas: being exposed to war, natural disasters, or abuse. Although, large ‘T’ traumas are some of the most profound, a person does not have to go through an overtly distressing event for it to affect them deeply. An accumulation of smaller events can still be traumatic. These types of events are known as little ‘t’ traumas.

Unresolved trauma occurs when rather than processing a traumatic event, the survivor attempts to protect themselves by avoiding the distressing emotions and trying to get over the trauma by pushing it down. Unresolved trauma causes the survivor to feel stuck in the past, battling emotional and physical symptoms that make it challenging to live a quality life. Essentially, the survivor’s energy is geared toward remaining in control at the cost of living a spontaneous and enjoyable life. The impact can be broken relationships, stalled careers, substance use, and other physical and emotional symptoms.

Treatment for unresolved trauma begins with creating a safe and nurturing environment where the survivor feels safe enough to process the trauma that has been repressed and pushed away. The therapist carefully and safely explores the trauma, allowing the survivor to become aware of their experiences. The therapist works with the survivor to develop a perspective on and integrate their inner experiences into their life.

There is no specific time frame for recovery from unresolved trauma. However, the good news is that healing from trauma is not an endpoint; survivors are capable of far more than merely healing. They can look back on their traumatic experience and learn that they are stronger than they ever imagined. If you’re ready to transform your trauma and pain into resilience and growth, contact Colorway Wellness today!


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